
8 Gifting Mistakes to Avoid (and How to Make Sure Your Gift is a Success)

July 4, 2023
return gift ideas for kids and adults

Common Gifting Mistakes – Avoid These and Make Your Loved Ones Happy

Gifting is an art! Yes, you read that right. It is definitely not an easy task. Although, our intention is to make someone happy but sometimes things go the other way and we end up doing what we didn’t mean to – making someone feel uncomfortable.

Is there a guideline when it comes to gifting? Quite a few ones actually. There are mistakes that we make while gifting which we can easily avoid only if we become a little more considerate. Here are some common mistakes that we often make while gifting:

Gifting gift-vouchers or cash

Nope, no, just don’t do it. You’re confused, you don’t know what to get them but here is what you absolutely shouldn’t – a gift voucher or cash. You might be thinking “why not, this way they can buy exactly what they want but they can do it by themselves, why would they need your help?

Anyone can buy whatever they want, where’s your thought in that? Don’t be too nervous, even if it’s just a card that you picked, it’s better than giving gift-vouchers or cash. Instead of going the easy way, invest some time and choose a gift for your loved one.


“They’ll never know” – but, can you actually take that risk though? That dinner-set you got in your wedding or that book you got for your birthday and didn’t like, no, it’s not a good idea to give them to someone else.

Please stop doing that. You never know what might happen and who they might come across, you may lose your friendship/relationship with the person over this!

Experiences count

People will remember something longer if they experience it themselves. Of course! Getting someone their favorite brand of clothes, accessories or gadgets is always going to cheer them up but, how about gifting movie tickets or theme-park tickets?

Even an air-ticket to the place they have always wanted to visit if you’re feeling generous! They will always keep you in their thoughts for a gesture like that.

Focus more on the receiver

Always remember, you are the gift-giver, instead of choosing something that you would like to receive as a gift, try thinking more from their perspective; what would they like to receive as a gift? Research on their likes and dislikes; stalk them on social-media but don’t stalk them too much though, it might creep them out! In addition, make sure to familiarize yourself with the Dos and Don’ts of Giving and Receiving Presents.

Also, adding a surprise element helps a lot, perhaps a cake with their favorite flower…IGP delivers on the same day! Go ahead and give your loved one a midnight surprise!

Avoid giving something too fancy or expensive

If you’re giving someone something, you want them to be able to use it, right? Giving something fancy or too expensive might cause them to keep it on the shelf and not using it. Give something that they can use if not on a regular basis but at least once in a while.

Gifting something too common

Just because “everyone gifts this” – is the exact reason why you shouldn’t be gifting it in the first place. Stand out! Don’t go for the common things that everyone goes for.  You can do better than this! Try to go beyond this, perhaps something handcrafted or personalized? IGP has a wide range of personalized gifting options that you can choose from!

Usability of the gift items

One thing one must focus on before buying any gift and that is the usability of the gift item. Supposedly, if you give the latest iPad to your grandfather, you have to be there to help him understand how it functions as well or else that gift will be of no use to him. It’s not always the thought that matters, it’s the action! If it’s electronics that you are looking for then you can browse through IGP as well!

Forgetting about the human touch

Gifting is a kind gesture but we often forget to add the human touch to it. A hand-written note or card that expresses your heart’s content will make the gift all the more special to them. So, try to incorporate that more often.

After this little lesson through this blog, you can gift better! Hopefully you’ve learned the art of gifting that is…don’t worry, it takes a while to become an expert.

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